Police Officer Awarded $20 MILLION Because His Boss Told Him To "Tone Down His Gayness"

Source – A veteran St. Louis cop who was told to tone down his “gayness” to get a promotion has been awarded almost $20 million, according to a report.

Sgt. Keith Wildhaber said he was passed over 23 times for a promotion at the St. Louis County Police Department and then punished with a transfer when he complained, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch said.

His captain, Guy Means, privately called him “fruity” and told a friend that the officer was “way too out there with his gayness and he needed to tone it down” to get a promotion, the jury heard, according to the report.

“We wanted to send a message,” the jury foreman told the paper of the huge payout awarded after three hours’ deliberation Friday.

“If you discriminate, you are going to pay a big price…You can’t defend the indefensible.”

Wait, you can sue for that? I tell it to myself every time I have a few drinks. The problem is, I only have a hundred bucks in the bank so taking myself to court would be pointless. Keith, on the other hand, did it right. $20 MILLION from the St. Louis County Police Department all because Captain Guy told him to tone down his gayness. Ha! Does anyone know if the STLPD is hiring because I can guarantee I’d get someone to tell me to tone it down my first day on the job. All I’d do is show up as Terry from 911.

When you think about it, it actually is pretty fucked up what he went through. The man got passed up for a promotion twenty-three times. TWENTY-THREE TIMES because the captain thought he was “too out there with his gayness.” I’m assuming most of you reading this are straight now so I want you to think about that. Actually take a second and think about how horrible it would feel to have someone tell you to tone down the fabric of your being because it grosses them out. I’m not saying I wouldn’t endure it for the right price, but man would that stink.

Here’s how the payments break down:

Wildhaber was awarded $1.9 million in actual damages and $10 million in punitive damages for discrimination. He also got $999,000 in actual damages and $7 million in punitive damages for his retaliation claim, according to the paper.

Not. Too. Bad. And you better believe every employer in St. Louis is reminding their employees to be mindful of how they treat their coworkers. $20,000,000 isn’t a check most companies can cut. So congrats to Keith on his newfound wealth. Now he can be as gay as he wants without worrying about his dickhead boss being jealous.

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